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Yea I got my car back, all fixed so I'm ready to go! After all was said and done it cost about $250 so that wasn't to bad and like I said better now than when I was on the highway driving.
I kept myself busy today doing another scrap page. This one is of my son holding up his puck from his first goal as a forward for his hockey team. My son is normally the goalie but ended up playing forward one night so he was pretty happy to get a goal and an assist that night. So the team gave him the puck from each as a souvenir, lol. I had fun trying to do this page so it was more masculine looking but I think it turned out not to bad. The small silhouette of the hockey player is from one of my digital kits that I imported as an SVG file into the "Make the Cut" program and then cut it on my Cricut. I'm totally loving this program, can you tell, lol. Well thanks for looking and have a great evening!
So it's another nice sunny day, although a little cool. I go off to the grocery store to pick up a couple of things, my car starts making this funny noise that it has been making off and on for about a week now. Get my groceries and head over to Starbucks for my frapichino fix and the noise is worse so I figure I better phone the repair shop when I get home to get this fixed before I have to go to the mainland next week. I come out of Starbucks get in my car and then nothing, it won't start at I don't need to phone the repair shop when I get home because I had to phone a tow truck and get the car & me picked up and dropped off at the repair shop. So that was a $70 bill for just the towing, hopefully when the repair shop gets a look at it it won't be too expensive (she says keeping her fingers crossed)! Oh well better now than when I'm on the highway heading for the mainland.
I did manage to do a new scrap page last night. A picture of my girlfriend and I taken in March at my son's 30th birthday party. The title I cut with my Cricut Machine and the flourish I cut with my cricut but I used the "Make the Cut" program to make the .svg file from one of my flourish fonts on my computer so I was able to cut it with my Cricut - a very cool program. The flowers were white ones that I dyed using my Ranger inks. I love this paper which I believe is from Die Cuts With a View. TFL and have a great day!
Wednesday already, I don't know what happened to Tuesday - something to do with getting older, the days fly by!
Our weather is still being weird here in BC, it can't make up its mind what it wants to do - like today it started out beautiful and sunny. Then I was just thinking about going out to plant some of my baskets and I look out the window and it's raining. Than an hour later its beautiful and sunny again. So off I go outside and managed to get most of my pots planted and then this big cloud comes over and it decides to rain again. So there I am frantically putting all my gardening tools away before I get soaked. Now it's back to beautiful and sunny. I think we should all be praying to the Sun Gods to quit fooling around and give us our normal sunny spring weather. Oh well, not much we can do I guess, I guess I'll just stay in now and try and scrap some more pictures (like I need an excuse, lol).
I hope everyone has a great evening!
I don't know what happened to our beautiful sunny warm weather we had last it's just icky and raining. This weather does not get me in the mood for gardening at all. Oh well I did manage to get out before the rain started and plant a couple of plants that we bought on the weekend to replace a few that died in the garden from the winter weather. I still have all of the annuals that we bought for my pots to do but since it's not that warm out I'll wait a few more days so I don't end up having them die on me.
I did manage to work on another scrap page today. My husband was going through some of his old photo albums and came across this picture of his daughter when she was about 18 months old (she's 18 years now). It was so cute I just had to scrap it. It's kind of hard to tell from the photo but I used this cute paper from Bo Bunny and took the two corner floral sections from a matching piece of scrap paper and cut them out and popped them up with foam on this page. Isn't this just the cutest picture? Well I'm off to do some more scrapping, hope everyone has a great evening.
This layout is my take on a sketch posted at Creative Scrappers. I took this photo of my son and my grandchildren when I was down visiting them the other week. My grandson has his arms like that because he's showing off his artwork that he did on his arms with washable felts (at least I hope they were washable, lol). You can't really tell in this photo but two of the paper pieces are actually a light green floral and the outside paper edge is popped up with foam.
Well I finally received my order of Cricut Cartridges and now have them added to my website. These are great prices (also in Canadian Dollars, which is a good saving for US residents and great for Canadians) from $40 to $50 per cartridge. A great time to stock up on your cartridges. You can find them on my website here: Scrappers Heaven. I also have some listed on eBay so if you like getting an even better bargain this is for you - all my auctions for Cricut cartridges start at 99¢! Search for my auctions and eBay Store with my eBay name "fire_sweet". I hope you stop by!
On another note, we finally got our other computer working thank goodness! It drives me crazy when these things don't work. I just want to get on and use them, I don't want to be a computer tech, lol. Well I'm off to do some scrapping since I didn't get a chance yesterday as I was working in my garden all day, which I 'm paying for today with a major backache. Have a great night everyone!
Wow, another gorgeous, sunny day today! I've taken the computer in to get fixed and now I'm off to go work in the yard. Way less stressful pulling weeds than trying to fix computers, lol! Hope everyone has a great day.
After having an annoying day with the other computer I figured I would try and finish off this page I started last night. This was for a challenge at My Creative Scrapbook to do a layout using only plain card stock, no patterned paper at all. I must say this was a tough one for me. I'm so use to using patterned paper but I don't think it turned out to bad. I may have to try this again just to see if I can.
So the weather today is so beautiful and sunny and warm. I wanted to get out into the garden to start my spring clean up. Instead I've spent the whole day trying to get our other computer that has the wireless link for the internet to work.'s still not working. I can't even get it to do a restore to an earlier date. So it seems I'll have to take it into the computer repair place tomorrow and spend money that I don't want to spend. Very, very annoying....I never wanted to be a computer repair person I just want to get on the computer and have it work. Oh well so much for doing the gardening and my luck it will probably rain tomorrow.
Well I hope everyone else is having a better day than me!
I love my Cricut machine and don't know what I'd do without it, but I just found out about a program that you can purchase called "Make the Cut"(there is also another one called "Sure Cuts A Lot") which allows you to use your own fonts and/or graphics and have your Cricut cut it for you. I think this is awesome as I draw so many of my own graphics for my digital kits and always wished there was a way to be able to have them cut with my Cricut. You can find the program on their website here: You can download a demo version from their site to try out so I've been playing around with it for the past few days and must say I am so impressed I think I'll definitely be buying this program. In order to have your Cricut machine cut your own things you will need to turn them into an SVG file which you can do with a free program that you can download from If you'd like to see a tutorial on this program you can find some on You Tube here: You really will have to check this out!
I've also been busy scrapping more pictures from my daughters Birthday. The one below was taken on the actual day of her birthday of her and her Dad when we went out for dinner.
A couple more pics from my daughters surprise party. My daughters boyfriend decided her dogs needed to be in on the surprise party so he bought them a couple of party hats. I still can't believe they kept them on for quite awhile, lol. Have a great week!
I wasn't quite sure how I wanted to do this layout of the pictures of my daughter walking into her surprise birthday party we had for her while I was down visiting. I finally settled on the papers I liked and then finally came up with this layout.
I had this bag of different size and shape flowers that were just a basic white so I decided to use some of my ranger inks on them and paint them to bring out the colors from the background paper. After I inked them I stamped over them with one of my flourish stamps just using black ink and I really liked the way they came out. I think I'll be doing that a bit more often, it just kind of adds a little zing to the flowers. Anyways, I'm off to bed now, I hope everyone has a great weekend!
So it's been a few days posting but I've been busy downloading pictures from my visit with the kids and trying to decide which ones to scrap. I decided to start with a few from my grand daughters birthday party and use the April Sketch Challenge from My Creative Scrapbook for them.
You'll have to ignore the flash on the picture and for some reason my background paper is looking yellow but it's actually lime green. TFL and have a great night!
Well I'm so happy to be home again and can sleep in my own cozy bed. I had a great time on the mainland with my kids and grand children. My grand daughters birthday party/sleep over was fun for the girls - I don't know where these 11 year olds get all their energy from but I'd sure like to bottle it and use it when I needed it!
My daughters surprise party was great she didn't suspect a thing and when she walked in the door from work at 9:30 expecting just to relax and watch movies with her boyfriend she was very surprised to find all of her friends yelling surprise and tooting horns. They even had party hats on the dogs - very funny pictures! So I have lots of pictures to print out and scrapbook - it should keep me busy for quite awhile.
I'm off to relax and get ready to sit down and watch "Brothers & Sisters" on the TV - suppose to be a 2 hour show tonight. I hope everyone had a great weekend and are rested up for a new work week!
Not much time for scrapping today. I'm busy getting ready to go over to the mainland for 5 days tomorrow. It was my grand daughters 11th birthday yesterday and on Thursday it is my daughters 19th birthday and we are busy trying to organize a surprise party for her at her Dad's place. I hope to get some good pictures to scrap when I get back. Hope everyone is having a great day!
I hope everyone had a great Easter Sunday. I know I did, great time with friends and of course ate way too much Turkey & dessert!
I actually started this layout yesterday afternoon before we went to our friends for dinner and finally finished it this afternoon. I'm quite pleased with the way it turned out. I used the Basic Grey Infuse line of papers again and also made some of the roses from the same papers. I just think this line of paper goes so well with these kind of Shabby Chic type pictures of my daughter that her friend took. By the time I finish scrapbooking them all you'll be sick of seeing them, lol. This is also the first time I've ever used cardboard on a layout and I really like how it looks. I distressed the edges with Fired Brick Distress Ink from Rangers so it goes great with the paper colors. Well I hope you like it and hope everyone has a great week!
I hope everyone is all ready for the Easter Bunny to visit tomorrow. Are you on his naughty or nice list? Oh..hang on a minute, that's Santa with that list...oh I'm sure the Easter Bunny must have some sort of list, lol. My friend and I did our last bit of shopping today for Easter dinner that we are having at her house. Yummy stomach is already growling for it!
Now I'm going to relax and do a bit of scrapbooking. I have so many of these pictures of my daughter that I want to scrap, I just don't know what to do first. I think I'll surf the internet and get some ideas or flip through some of my magazines. I hope everyone had a great day and relaxing now before all the kids show up for Easter Egg Hunts tomorrow! Take care.
Well it might have been Good Friday today but it sure wasn't good weather wise. Here on Vancouver Island we had a major wind storm happening! There was trees down, power outages, marina's that were totally destroyed along with most of the boats that were moored in those unfortunate marinas. We were lucky here in Campbell River, or at least in our area, no trees down just a whole lot of branches blown off the trees into our yards. We didn't have a power outage in our area which was lucky, since I decided it was to yucky to go outside so I'd scrapbook inside. Hopefully by tomorrow the wind will subside.
I spent the day printing out pictures of my daughter that her friend had taken so I could scrapbook them. Her friend wants to be a photographer so she got my DD to do a photo shoot with her. OMG, the pictures she took were just stunning - I think this young girl will go far with her photography! Now I may be a little biased because I'm her Mum but my daughter just looked beautiful in every shot. So below is a page I did today with a couple of the photos. TFL and I hope everyone had a great day!

Well I'm trying to make room for new papers so check out the clearance prices on all the single sheet papers and paper packs on my website. Single sheets are only 40¢ and paper packs ranging from $4.99 to $9.99! You can't get much better than that! Check it out here:
Scrappers Heaven